Humanity First!

Saving a life is like saving the humanity as a whole! Hence, any service even to the size of a mustard seed given to a needy may makes us better than the one who has accumulated so much wealth for nothing!

Iqra’, the beginning

Learn… understand… and live.

The first word that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Mercy of ALLAH be upon him) was Iqra’, which means either ‘read’ or ‘recite’. This same word has two meanings, ie., it has got one meaning when it comes to the Prophet (SAW) and another meaning when it is related to the Muslims. For the Prophet (SAW), it means to ‘recite’, because being a totally unlettered Prophet of ALLAH, what he is supposed to do is just to repeat the word the Jibreel (A) and it is evident from this that he recites what he hears from the Angel without adding anything to it or without eliminating anything from it. So reproducing the same verses intact.

Now, when it comes to the Muslims who follow the Prophet (SAW) and his words, we are not supposed to recite, but read. ‘Read’ signifies the necessity and significance of earning useful knowledge from any source irrespective of the location, language, color, creed, nationality, etc. of the source. We have the criteria to identify the genuineness of the knowledge because the Furqan is the criterion to decide on that.

It is essential that we need to set out to find the true knowledge by following the words of the Prophet (SAW) which means “earn knowledge even if it is from China”. So there is no restriction of location, ethnicity, color or creed when it comes to earning knowledge. Lets follow this and help in nurturing a generation that truly follows the deen-ul-Islam in terms of the spiritual, intellectual as well as the physical levels.

Jazzak ALLAH Khire (May ALLAH grant you goodness).

Abu Abdullah • May 23, 2007

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