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Russia against NATO missile proposal

Source: Press TV

Russia’s Ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin says Moscow is against the alliance’s proposal to set up two different missile systems, the NATO system and the Russian system.

The United States and Russia have been at loggerheads over a new anti-ballistic missile system for Europe, with Moscow calling for a shared control of the system, and Washington refusing to share the responsibility for protecting its member-states with any third party, a Press TV correspondent in Moscow reported Tuesday.

NATO favors two separate but coordinated missile defense systems, which include the NATO and Russian systems. However, Moscow insists on a European system together with the alliance, with joint centers for detecting threats and a joint decision-making procedure.

Meanwhile, Rogozin, who has recently been appointed as the Kremlin’s special representative for missile defense talks with NATO member-states, frowned upon the idea on Tuesday.

“Russia should either join the European missile defense system, or receive guarantees that this system will be no threat to its strategic interests,” he stated.

The Russian envoy further noted that Moscow sees no missile threats in northern Europe, and the two sides regard each other as potential threats, and that would prevent the cooperation from going forward.

“NATO and Russia must negotiate and agree to give up military planning against each other. This fundamental deal will lift all other problems,” Rogozin added.

US President Barack Obama, on the other hand, has vehemently rejected shared control of the missile system on the grounds that it would give Russia responsibility for protecting NATO from nuclear missile threats.

The two sides have agreed to formulate terms for cooperation by June as a special group under Rogozin is set to be formed to coordinate missile defense talks with NATO.

Moscow is fiercely opposed to the deployment of the alliance’s missile systems near its borders, saying it would threaten its national security and destroy the strategic balance of forces in Europe.

Kremlin has warned if NATO ploughs ahead with its plans and no agreement is reached with Moscow, it would develop its own missile systems.


Abu Abdullah • February 23, 2011

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